Patient abandonment is a serious kind of medical malpractice that happens when a healthcare professional ends the doctor-patient relationship without reasonable notice or a suitable alternative for care. This abrupt termination of care can lead to the worsening of the...
Medical Negligence
What is the real danger of bedsores for nursing home residents?
Bedsores or pressure ulcers sometimes develop on the bodies of older adults with limited mobility. Those living in nursing homes may spend so much time sitting in the same chair or lying in bed that they develop pressure ulcers because of the constant push of their...
Are bedsores a sign of medical malpractice?
Patients can feel overwhelmed by the prospect of a hospital stay for numerous reasons. From the ensuing medical debt to the potential for a painful rehab, a lengthy stay in a healthcare facility generally represents stress and worry on multiple levels. Unfortunately,...
Overexposure to Radiation and Effects on Patients in Rhode Island
Radiation serves many purposes in medicine. It is used for tracing broken bones, lung lesions, heart defects, tumors and is treatment for cancer. However, overexposure to radiation due to medical negligence or medical necessity can also cause damage to DNA, which may...