Malpractice Claims Involving Injuries To Women
Obstetrician-gynecologists (OB-GYNs) are responsible for providing a range of medical services to women in conjunction with reproductive organs, pregnancy and childbirth. When they fail to do their jobs properly, their patients can be seriously injured as a result.
At the Providence law firm of DeLuca, Weizenbaum, Barry & Revens, Ltd., our experienced trial attorneys pursue medical negligence claims on behalf of women and children who have been harmed due to OB-GYN malpractice. To schedule a free consultation, contact us today.
Holding Obstetrician-Gynecologists Legally Accountable
OB-GYNs receive specialized training in the areas of medicine in which they practice and can be held accountable when they do not live up to their training by following the correct procedures. Major types of OB-GYN malpractice include but are not limited to the following:
Cervical Cancer Misdiagnosis
OB-GYNs who fail to recommend Pap smears when appropriate, read the results incorrectly or otherwise fail to detect the symptoms of cervical cancer can be held accountable for the harm caused by delays in treatment.
Birth Injuries
OB-GYNs are responsible for taking care at all stages of the delivery process to protect children from brain injuries, shoulder dystocia and other injuries.
Postpartum Negligence
Mothers can also be seriously injured during childbirth, especially when OB-GYNs do not provide adequate postpartum care.
Reproductive Treatment Errors
Failure by OB-GYNs to provide appropriate reproductive treatment can leave women infertile or otherwise seriously injured.
Contact Our Firm
The attorneys and nurses at our firm document our clients’ cases with the help of cutting-edge technology and the testimony of credible medical experts. We have the trial experience to stand up for your rights in court if necessary.
If you’ve been harmed by OB-GYN malpractice, don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss your options. We will not charge you any fees unless we help you obtain compensation. Call us at 401-354-7233 or fill out our online contact form for your free initial consultation.